Forgive me for sounding cliché but I do not believe in religion, I am not irreligious. I believe in God I believe that God exists outside of this temporal discourse that we exist in. God is the creator of everything ...There is nothing new under the sun... There is no tangible comprehensible thing that did not proceed from the mouth of God at the beginning. Existence and its appearance of self sustainability is God's masterpiece. And humanity is the apex of that work. This is proven by His own decision to step into the time and space that He formed with His own lips. Clothed in skin and bound by time, God sympathized with us. This was not for the sake of experiencing His created existence because who better to understand existence and humanity than its very architect. Instead He came in order to reconcile the apex of his masterpiece, us, back to himself.
Sin is that which necessitated the symbolic and very actual death of the God of heaven on our behalves. Jesus, the son of God being wholly God and entirely human, offered eternity and existence with God beyond this temporal discourse. He did this for reasons that have to be sufficed by the word grace. Grace is a fancy and concise way of saying 'Humanity has an utter inability to understand why God gave it eternity with Him.” Humanity seems to understand that this “grace thing” has something to do with unconditional love. But the concept of “un-conditionality” is slippery in our hands as well because we exist within the constraints of conditions, like time and space. Understanding that God operates outside of any condition and has actually set the parameters for all conditions, from breath to gravity, allows for the possibility and actuality of love that is unconditional. Once grace attaches itself to a member of humanity it is carried by that member and that member is said to retain what is called salvation. A grace bearer or human with salvation is then transformed into an agent of change that posses the authority of the unconditional God that captivated them.
Grace works perpetually and is maintained as God extends Himself to us. Quite literally God connects us to Himself, He communes with us in order to reveal the truth of Himself over time. This extension of Himself is His Spirit, the ether’s of His existence, the very animating force that constitutes all life and most importantly His own reality. Life creating and sustaining Spirit... God perpetuating spirit... stand alone love at its purest form, spirit.. that very spirit attaches itself to those who are carriers of God's grace.
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